Participants Qualify for State Games National Championships!
Sponsored by: Tucson Dojo, ASJI, Grand Canyon State Games
Event Date: Saturday May 20th 2017
Event Location: ASU Phoenix Prep, 735 E Fillmore Street Phoenix AZ 85006
Friday Off-Site Weigh-in Location: Southwest Judo Academy, 145 W Broadway Road #8 Mesa AZ 85210
Registration and Weigh-ins:
- Friday May 19th from 6-8pm at Southwest Judo Academy Saturday
- May 20th from 7-8:30am at ASU Phoenix Prep. No pre-registration
Coach / Referee Meeting: Saturday May 20th from 9-10am at ASU Phoenix Prep
Tournament Start: Saturday May 20th at 10am, starting with Junior and Master Divisions
Awards: Gold medal, silver medal and one bronze medal for each division
Judo Gis: A white Judo gi is required. A blue Judo gi is optional and may be used only when the player is on the blue side. You are encouraged to bring your own blue and white belts.
Entry Fees: Make checks payable to Grand Canyon State Games
+ JUNIORS (age 16 and under): $30
+ ADULTS (age 17 and older): $45
*Second division available upon request with tournament director approval.
Referee and Table Staff Training: Thanks to those of you that come out and volunteer your time to help Arizona Judo tournaments! This is an exciting return to an old venue and we look forward to seeing you at this event!
Eligibility: Proof of current insurance membership in USJA, USJF or USA Judo is required. Foreign players must provide current insurance membership in their country’s recognized national Judo organization. There is no Arizona residency requirement.
Divisions: All divisions are determined at the time of weigh-ins and are subject to modification based on entries. Each skill, gender and age category will be separated into weight divisions, generally: light, middle and heavy. All decisions by the tournament director are final. Junior Novice is defined as a player who holds a rank of yellow belt or below. Adult Novice is defined as a player: who holds a rank of yonkyu or below, who has not won any advance divisions, who has not won 2 novice divisions and who has no more than 1-year of Judo experience. Adult Brown is defined as a player who holds a rank of sankyu, nikyu or ikkyu.
Boys Divisions
+ Novice boy 5-6 years
+ Novice boy 7-8 years
+ Novice boy 9-10 years
+ Novice boy 11-12 years
+ Novice boy 13-14 years
+ Novice boy 15-16 years
+ Regular boy 5-6 years
+ Regular boy 7-8 years
+ Regular boy 9-10 year
+ Regular boy 11-12 years
+ Regular boy 13-14 year
+ Regular boy 15-16 years
Girls Divisions
+ Novice girl 5-6 years
+ Novice girl 7-8 years
+ Novice girl 9-10 years
+ Novice girl 11-12 years
+ Novice girl 13-14 years
+ Novice girl 15-16
+ Regular girl 5-6 years
+ Regular girl 7-8 years
+ Regular girl 9-10 years
+ Regular girl 11-12 years
+ Regular girl 13-14 years
+ Regular girl 15-16 years
Mens Division
+ Novice men
+ Brown-belt men
+ Black-belt men
+ Masters men 30-39 years
+ Masters men 40-49 years
+ Masters men 50+ years
Womens Division
+ Novice women
+ Brown-belt women
+ Black-belt women
+ Masters women 30+ years
Rules: All matches will be conducted using the new 2017 IJF Contest Rules with the following modifications:
1. No kansetsu-waza (arm locks) in: a) any junior divisions,
b) senior novice divisions or c) senior brown-belt divisions.
2. No shime waza (chokes) in: a) any junior novice divisions or
b) regular junior divisions younger than 13-years old.
3. No kanibasami (flying scissors) in any divisions.
Tournament Directors: Steve Owen and Cheri McKeown
Information: Cheri McKeown at 602 430 5361, [email protected]
Sanction: USJA # submitted